Our Curriculum
At the core of our Curriculum is the EYFS. Our Curriculum framework is the 7 areas of learning and we use Birth to 5 Matters as a Progression Framework. In addition, is our unique curriculum that is adaptable to meet the needs of our individual children.
NURTURE - children will feel happy and secure in a warm and caring environment
ENGAGE – children will be excited to play and motivated to learn
INSPIRE – children will be prepared for school - they will be confident, kind and resilient little people, with a love for life-long learning.
To instil a love for lifelong learning
Curriculum Intent
To ignite the flames of your children’s natural curiosity by providing high quality, varied learning opportunities to guide their development in a safe and nurturing environment, where ALL children love learning, make good progress and thrive.
Goals for all children when they leave Flying Start:
Our Curriculum intent is guided by:
Children's Interests
Events/Interests from home
Celebrations / Events
Community Links
Natural Progression - next stages in learning
Personalised needs of the child – where are they now and what they need next
Adult-led themes
Cultural capital (the essential knowledge, skills and behaviours all children require)
British Values (Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of different cultures and religions)
Surrey Support Plan (plans put in place for children with additional needs)
We implement our Curriculum through:
4 Principles of the EYFS
Unique child
Enabling Environments
Positive relationships
Learning and development - characteristics of effective teaching and learning
In Practice by:
Providing opportunities to learn through play
Structured play (planned, Intentional)
Child-led / Child-initiated play (co-constructed)
Adult-led activities
Learning invitations and provocations
Following each child’s own unique learning style.
Learn, repeat, refine, deeper learning
Teach it, practice it, apply it
We measure the impact of our Curriculum:
Against our AIMS –
Do children feel nurtured?
Are children engaged in their learning?
Are children inspired to ask questions and continue their learning journey?
Against our GOALS –
Are children kind to each other?
Are they resilient?
Are they confident?
Are they independent?
Are they curious?
We use:
Formative assessments - Daily observations, Questioning, Conversations, Reflections, Child’s voice, Weekly observations on Tapestry
Summative assessments – 2-year check, Baseline assessment, Check Points, Half termly Tracking, Parent meetings, End of year Summary, Transition Reports, Action Planning.
Parent Input and Parent/Child Review