Our OFSTED Report
7th September 2022
We are a ‘GOOD’ preschool because:
Children develop high levels of confidence
Children happily engage with each other
New children to the setting are reassured, nurtured and engaged with through cuddles, soft voices and quiet activities
Children have positive attitudes towards their ongoing learning
Children learn to be independent
Children communicate confidently
Children are valued for their individuality.
Staff provide a highly inclusive environment
Children's heritage, home language and culture are celebrated
Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive a personal approach to their particular needs.
Children with SEND are making high levels of progress to close gaps in their development.
Children quickly develop safe and secure attachments
Staff engage with children well
Staff join in with children's choice of what and where to play
Staff interact effectively during adult-led activities
Children develop close relationships with their peers. They learn to cooperate and negotiate through sensitive approaches from staff to positively support children's behaviour
Children feel proud of their achievements, developing high levels of self-esteem.
Children have multiple opportunities to take part in sensory activities.
Children choose to play with resources that test their knowledge of senses that are linked to their interests.
The whole staff team show a great enthusiasm to improve.
They regularly attend training and assess the best way to implement these new practices successfully
They work with a wealth of other professionals, such as health visitors, teachers, and other early years settings, to promote a continuous journey in children's learning
Parents make very positive comments about the care and attention to learning that their children receive.
Parents feel totally included in their child's ongoing development, gaining support as to how to promote the next steps of their children's learning at home.
Staff have a robust knowledge of how to protect children from harm
Please click here for our OFSTED Report 2022